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Aruncus dioicus (Aruncus sylvester) - Goats Beard

Future Forests
Goat’s Beard
A statement plant for the back of the back of the border, Aruncus dioicus is a vigorous, clump-forming herbaceous perennial with heavily divided, fern-like, mid-green leaves. In early to midsummer the plant produces arching spires of tiny creamy-white flowers, attractive to butterflies. Cut back after flowering to prevent self-seeding. Goat’s beard is easy to grow and rabbit-resistant, a lovely plant for a damp, shady spot or for a bog garden. Holds the RHS Award of Garden Merit.
Site: Tolerates exposureSoil: Any moist, fertile soilPosition: Full sun or partial shadeFlowering period: June and JulyHardiness: HardyHeight: 6ft (2m) Spread: 5ft (1.5m)
Aquatic pot and compost variations
Aquatic plants come in a variety of pot and compost variations that have different benefits for planting and growing.
Mesh Pot (Aquatic Compost)Pot can be removed and plant can be planted directly into soil or margins above or below the water line. Pot and plant can also be placed directly into water to be container grown, but will still need repotting in time.
Pot (Aquatic Compost)Pot must be removed and plant should be planted directly into soil or margins above or below the water line.
Pot (Regular Compost)Pot must be removed and plant should be planted directly into soil or margins above the water line. Cannot be planted directly into soil below the water line.
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