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Cupressocyparis leylandii
Future Forests
Leylands cypress
One of the most well known conifers in this part of the world- it was planted precariously from the 1960's up until the early 1990's as a hedging plant, but soon it became apparent that it was too quick-growing to be manageable as a suburban hedge! Cupressocyparis x leylandii originated in the late 1800's as a chance hybrid between Cupressus macrocarpa and Xanthocyparis nootkatensis. Though suitable for hedging a larger garden, they make a beautiful specimen plant also, and provide a glorious dark green backdrop to show off smaller plants.
Site: Inland exposedSoil: Well drained, normal soilsPosition: Full sunSeason of Interest: Evergreen Hardiness: Fully hardy Size: Large 80 ft (25m) or larger with age
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