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Drimys winteri
from €15.00
Future Forests
Winters bark
Syn. Wintera aromatica, a tall slender evergreen tree that is native to the Magellanic and Valdivian rain forests of Chile and Argentina, Drimys winteri has attractive leathery light green leaves that are said to taste like strong pepper. The aromatic pungent bark is powdered and used as a pepper substitute in its native range. Clusters of delicately fragrant creamy-white flowers in Spring, later followed by blue-black fruits. A great choice to plant as an evergreen specimen, ideally given plenty of space.Site: Prefers some shelterSoil: Well drained to lightly damp, must be lime-freePosition: Prefers shade, will grow in full sunSeason of Interest: Spring flowers, evergreenHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 30ft (10m) Spread: 12ft (3.5m) in 25+years
Pot | 3L€15.00
Pot | 5L€15.00
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