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Neudorff Organic Tomato Feed

Future Forests
Neudorff Organic Tomato Feed
The Organic Tomato Feed from Neudorff is made from 100% vegetable ingredients and contains all the essential main and trace elements, vitamins, enzymes and growth promoting substances necessary to help give gardeners strong, vigorous plants that will produce heavy crops of tasty fruit.
Child and pet safe;
Organic liquid compound fertiliser NPK 3-1-5 derived from organic materials and a natural by-product of producing sugar beet (sugar beet vinasse);
Child and pet safe;
Contains high levels of potassium for bumper crops and healthy, tasty tomatoes;
Provides excellent results on all edibles;
Can also be used for seramis cultures;
Please note: Not suitable for hydro cultures!
Use from June to August;
Makes up to 100 L of feed.
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