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Schisandra chinensis

Future Forests
Magnolia Berry
A medicinal plant from Northern China, Schisandra chinensis is also called Five-Flavour Berry from its odd taste, which combines sweet, salty, bitter, sour and spicy. The berries are said to be anti-inflammatory, adaptogenic and rich in anti-oxidants and are used in traditional medicine to fight ageing and fatigue. Magnolia berry is a hardy, deciduous, woody vine growing at a moderate rate to 30’/ 9m. It thrives in partial shade and humus-rich soil, and is thus ideal as a crop for forest gardening. The leaves are mid-green, almost heart-shaped and in groups of three. Small, fragrant flowers appear in spring, followed by clusters of brilliant red berries.
Site: ShelteredSoil: Moist but well drained, humus-rich soilPosition: Partial shadePick: Autumn, as soon as fully ripeKeep: Will keep if driedHardiness: Very hardyPollination: Need male and female for fruit - plant several plants to ensure pollinationUses: Medicinal
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