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Picea glauca conica
from €10.00
Future Forests
White Spruce conica
A nice and compact slow growing conifer, which keeps its tight conical shape for many years. Picea glauce conica is an easy to grow conifer requiring little maintenance, suitable for pots or as a specimen in a shrub bed. With age it will form a 3m tall sturdy looking domed tree.
Site: Inland exposedSoil: Well drained, will tolerate acid to alkalinePosition: Full sunSeason of Interest: Evergreen, nice shape Hardiness: Fully hardyHeight: Slowly up to 10ft (3m) in 20-30 years
Pot | 2L€10.00
Pot | 7.5L€10.00
Pot | 4.5L€10.00
Pot | 3L€10.00