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Picea abies - Norway Spruce
Future Forests
Norway Spruce
Said to be the most widely distributed of all Spruces. Picea abies is found growing wild from the European Alps to the east far beyond the Ural mountains and as far north as Scandanavia. A tall and slim conifer boasting stunning upright red-pink seed cones in late spring turning to an attractive drooping light green tinted with reds in the Autumn.
Growing as a Christmas tree:
This is the traditional British Christmas tree which has been popular since Victorian times. The bright green Norway Spruce has a lovely scent but quickly drops its dense, spiky needles, so if you're keen on this variety, wait until later in December to cut it and make sure you water it regularly.
Site: Inland exposedSoil: Well drained, will tolerate acid to alkalinePosition: Full sunSeason of Interest: Evergreen, stunning conesHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: eventually 80-100ft (25-30m)