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Enkianthus campanulatus Palibinii

Future Forests
Red flowering Enkianthus
Enkianthus are deciduous shrubs or small trees that boast lovely clusters of bell-shaped spring flowers as well as having excellent autumn colour. They are not widely grown although they probably should be because they are so unfussy. However, they do need soil that is on the acid side.
Native to Asia and grows especially well on poor soils, Enkianthus campanulatus var. Palibinii is deciduous with light green oval leaves on sparse branches. In late Spring into early Summer it produces elegant dark-red bell shaped flowers and in Autumn it has very attractive orange and red foliage.
Site: Prefers shelterSoil: Well drained to lightly damp, must be lime freePosition: Full sun to part shade, prefers light shadeSeason of Interest: Spring to Summer flowers, Autumn colourHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 10ft (3m) Spread: 6ft (1.8m)