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Hebe vernicosa

Future Forests
Varnished Hebe
A hardy evergreen dwarf shrub originally hailing from New Zealand. Hebe vernicosa is a low-spreading plant with glossy green, densely packed leaves. The small, white to pale-lilac flowers are produced in abundance during May and June. Known as Varnished Hebe as its leaves are exceptionally shiny, it is grown for its excellent form with pretty flowers attracting bees and other insects. It makes ideal low maintenance groundcover or container grown plant.Site: Tolerates coastal exposureSoil: Well drained normal, tolerate clay, avoid acidic soilsPosition: Full sun, tolerates partial shadeSeason of Interest: Early Summer white/blue flowers, evergreen foliage, bee plantHardiness: Hardy to -10°C Height: 2ft (60cm) Spread: 4ft (1.2m)
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