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Tibouchina urvilleana

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Future Forests
Tibouchina urvilleana Commonly known as the Purple Glory Bush. Tibouchina urvilleana has velvety dark green leaves, sometimes tinged reddish. Large purple flowers with prominent stamens appear mostly in summer but then sporadically throughout the year. It will eventually grow into a large spreading shrub and it does grows best in sub-tropical locations and is fairly tender. It will survive occasional short periods of frost, although the top growth is killed off but will usually quickly regenerate. Can be grown in a conservatory. Site: Needs a sheltered spotSoil: Well drained, moist, fertile, humus-rich soilPosition: Full sun or part shadeSeason of Interest: Evergreen, unusual flowers in AutumnHardiness: - 3°C Protect plants from the coldHeight: 12ft (4m) Spread: 12ft (4m)

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