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Galanthus woronowii - Snowdrop
from €3.79

Future Forests
Galanthus woronowii - Snowdrop
Many of you will be familiar with our commonest snowdrop, Galanthus nivalis, but you may not know Galanthus woronowii, a shorter specimen with shinier, broader green leaves and beautiful pearl-drop flowers that hang down at a slight angle, the inner segments have green horseshoe-shaped mark near the tips. This bulbous perennial will eventually form large clumps. Flowers early. Excellent for bees and other pollinators. Holds the RHS Award of Garden Merit.
Site: Sheltered, preferably under deciduous treesPosition: Partial shadeSoil: Any moist, fertile soil high in humusPlanting Period: Dry Bulbs in AutumnFlowering period: January to FebruaryPlanting: Depth 2” (5 cm), Spacing 3” (7.5 cm) scatter on the ground and plant where they land for a natural effect.Height: 4” (10cm)
Bulbs | Pack of 35€3.79
Bulbs | Pack of 10€3.79