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Quercus bicolor - Swamp White Oak

Future Forests
Swamp White Oak
From NE North America, Quercus bicolor is a stately, medium-sized to tall, deciduous tree with a short trunk and rounded crown. The greyish-brown bark flakes off in long plates. The lobed leaves are deep, glossy green with white undersides, turning yellow, occasionally reddish-purple, in autumn. The catkins are unobtrusive and yellowish-green, and are followed by long acorns in autumn. The swamp white oak tolerates wet soils, but is surprisingly drought-resistant when established. Will not tolerate alkaline soils.
Site: Tolerates exposureSoil: Deep, moist, acid to neutral soilPosition: Full sun or partial shadeHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: eventually 50’ (15m) Spread: 50’ (15m)
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