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Quercus velutina
Future Forests
Black Oak
Named for its almost black, deeply furrowed bark on the mature trunk, Quercus velutina is a quite fast-growing, tall, deciduous tree, columnar when young, broadening out later with a spreading, rounded crown. The young twigs and buds are covered in down. The leathery, deep green, glossy leaves are very large, up to 10”/25cm, with deeply cut lobes, turning red-brown in autumn. The male and female catkins are unobtrusive and yellowish-green; the female catkins are followed by solitary or paired oval acorns with saucer-shaped cups covering half the acorn. The black oak is native to Canada.
Site: Tolerates exposureSoil: Fertile, well-drained, acid to neutral soilPosition: Full sun or light shadeHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: eventually 82’ (25m) Spread: 82’ (25m) in 50 years
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