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Rosa persica Smiling Eyes

Future Forests
Shrub Rose Smiling Eyes
A charming little floribunda rose, Rosa persica Smiling Eyes is a deciduous, cluster-flowered rose with an upright, spreading habit, perfect for growing in a container. The large, divided leaves are a glossy mid-green. The medium-sized, single, lightly scented flowers are unusual, pinky-apricot with a richer red ‘eye’ (centre), showing persicaria rose genes; they are borne in clusters and repeat almost continuously for several months if dead-headed. Rosa persica Smiling Eyes is healthy and disease-resistant, and good for pollinators.
Site: Tolerates some exposureSoil: Any well-drained soil, preferably moist and humus-rich; or rich, soil-based compostPosition: Full sunSeason of interest: July to SeptemberHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 3’ (90cm) Spread: 2’ (60cm)
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