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Hoheria sexstylosa
from €8.00

Future Forests
A New Zealand native, Hoheria sexstylosa is an evergreen, medium-sized tree or large shrub with a graceful, upright, almost columnar habit and attractive bark. The foliage is glossy green, narrowly ovate and deeply toothed, although the shape of the leaves on young specimens can be variable. In August masses of pure white, fragrant, five-petalled flowers with prominent yellow stamens appear, at a time when most shrubs and trees are out of flower; it can take a few years to start blooming. It’s reasonably hardy, and thrives in warmer, wetter gardens, but is not for the coldest sites; protect the roots with a mulch in winter. Ribbonwood is trouble-free, and can be grown as an informal evergreen screen in larger gardens.
Site: ShelteredSoil: Fairly light, well-drained, moderately fertile soil, preferably neutral to alkalinePosition: Full sun or partial shadeSeason of interest: All year, particularly late July and AugustHardiness: Doubtfully hardyHeight: up to 26’ (8m) Spread: 20’ (6m)
Pot | 9cm / N/A / N/A€8.00
Pot | 4L / N/A / N/A€8.00
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