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Bergenia Sakura (Dragonfly™ series)
from €4.50
Future Forests
Bergenia Dragonfly Sakura
A compact form of bergenia or elephant’s ears with beautiful winter and spring colour, Bergenia Sakura Dragonfly Series is a clump-forming, evergreen, rhizomatous perennial, good for the smaller garden. The rounded, glossy, green leaves form a low, ground-covering mound, and develop lovely tones of wine-red in winter. In March and April, racemes of rich rose-pink, double to semi-double flowers open on stout, upright stems rising above the clump of leaves. Bergenia Dragonfly Sakura is a good choice for spring containers.
Site: Tolerates exposureSoil: Any well-drained soil, preferably moistPosition: Full sun or partial shadeSeason of interest: All year, winter and spring in particularHardiness: Very hardyHeight: 10” (25cm) Spread: 1’ (30cm)
Pot | 9cm€4.50
Pot | 2L€4.50
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