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Ajuga reptans Braunherz
Future Forests
Bugle Braunherz
A dark-leaved form of the native bugle, Ajuga reptans Braunherz is a low, mat-forming, evergreen perennial, attractive year-round as ground-cover. The glossy leaves are oval or spoon-shaped, and a deep purple-bronze colour, turning greener in winter or when grown in full shade. Upright spikes, up to 8”/20cm tall, of deep blue flowers appear from April to June. A bomb-proof plant, ideal for planting under deciduous trees, between grey-leaved perennials, or rambling between plants in shady flower-beds, it’s also excellent as a foliage plant in winter containers, where it makes a lovely, glossy foil for winter-flowering bedding. Bugle Brownherz is also a good nectar plant for bees and a food plant for several butterflies and moths.
Site: Tolerates inland exposureSoil: Any well-drained soil, preferably moistPosition: Best in partial shade; tolerates full sun and deep shadeSeason of interest: All year, mid- to late spring and early summer in particularHardiness: Very hardyHeight: 6” (15cm) Spread: 2’ (60cm)
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