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Alchemilla mollis
from €3.50

Future Forests
Lady’s Mantle
A clump-forming herbaceous perennial, Alchemilla mollis is so adaptable, low-maintenance and attractive that it can find a place in any garden. It has pretty, pale-green, scalloped leaves with soft, silvery hairs which hold raindrops like little diamonds. In June, sprays of lime-green fluffy flowers appear, gradually turning gold; these should be removed as soon as they start turning brown, as, if Lady’s mantle has a fault, it’s that it can be an incontinent self-seeder. A wonderful front-of-border plant, setting off any colour scheme, Lady’s mantle will thrive in any soil, in sun or shade – a must-have plant.
Site: Tolerates exposureSoil: Any reasonably well drained soilPosition: Full sun or partial shadeSeason of interest: Spring, summer, autumnHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 20” (50cm) Spread: 20” (50cm)
Pot | 9cm€3.50
Pot | 1.5L€3.50