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Helleborus x hybridus Double Anna White

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Future Forests
Lenten Rose Double Anna White A new hybrid hellebores, Helleborus x hybridus Double Anna White is an evergreen perennial and a beautiful addition to the winter garden. In late winter and early spring, Hellebore Double Anna White bears beautiful large frilly double white flowers that are lightly freckled with dark maroon spots and are held above the foliage. As flower-buds begin to form, cut away last year’s leaves to allow new growth to appear and to prevent fungal disease; mulching with leaf-mould is also beneficial. Site: ShelteredSoil: Any well-drained but moist, humus-rich soil, neutral to alkaline preferredPosition: Partial shadeSeason of interest: All year, late winter and early spring in particularHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 14”/35cm Spread: 14”/35cm

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