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Rosa de Rescht - Old Shrub Rose

Future Forests
Shrub Rose de Rescht
A beautiful, repeating Damask Portland rose, Rosa de Resht is a small, deciduous shrub rose with a neat, compact, upright, bushy habit, ideal for the smaller garden. The divided leaves are large, abundant and mid-green. In summer and autumn, the shrub bears deep purple-crimson, fully double flowers, simply packed with petals, and with a gorgeous, strong scent. With a magnificent flush of bloom in early summer, it repeats reliably thereafter, and, usefully, will bloom well in partial or dappled shade. Named after the city of Rasht in Iran, rose de Resht holds the RHS Award of Garden Merit.
Site: Tolerates exposureSoil: Any moisture-retentive, humus-rich, well-drained soil; tolerates poor soilPosition: Full sun; tolerates partial shadeSeason of interest: Summer and autumnHardiness: Very hardyHeight: 3-4’ (90-120cm) Spread: 2-3’ (60-90cm) in 2-5 years
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