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Amelanchier x grandiflora Robin Hill AGM

Future Forests
Snowy Mespilus Robin Hill
An outstanding cultivar of a hybrid amelanchier or snowy mespilus, Amelanchier x grandiflora Robin Hill is a small tree, an ideal specimen for the smaller garden. The habit is dense and conical, and the masses of starry flowers, pink in bud, opening pale pink and turning white, appear before the leaves are fully out. The leaves open copper-coloured before turning green and then to rich shades of orange and red in late summer and autumn, colouring best in acid soil. The teardrop-shaped berries mature from red to maroon-purple in June and can be used for cooking or preserves, or left to attract wild birds. Holds the RHS Award of Garden Merit.
Site: Semi-sheltered; will tolerate inland exposureSoil: Any fertile well drained soil; lighter, acid soils preferredPosition: Full sun or partial shadeSeason of Interest: Spring, summer, autumnHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 20’ (6m) in 20 years Spread: 10’ (3m) in 20 years