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Frangula alnus - Alder Buckthorn
from €3.00

Future Forests
Alder Buckthorn
One of Ireland's rarest native trees, Alnus Frangula can also be found throughout Europe, northernmost Africa, and western Asia. Alder Buckthorn has dark green leaves that turn yellow in Autumn. The long season of inconspicuous flowers are followed by abundant red berries that mature to black. The bark is dark blackish-brown, with bright lemon-yellow inner bark exposed if cut. This is an ideal plant for the wildlife garden or informal, native hedge or wet woodland areas. The flowers are valuable for bees, and the fruit an important food source for birds, particularly thrushes. Good urban tree due to its pollution tolerance. Site: Tolerates coastal and inland exposureSoil: Moist soils, tolerate clayPosition: Full sun, tolerates partial shadeSeason of Interest: Red and black berries from July to November, Autumn foliageHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 10-12ft (3-3.5m) Spread: 6-10ft (2-3m)
Bareroot | 1-2ft€3.00
Bareroot | 2-3ft€3.00
Bareroot | 3-4ft€3.00
Pot | 7.5L€3.00
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