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Alnus glutinosa - Common Alder
from €1.00
Future Forests
Common Alder (Fearnóg)
One of Ireland's most widely distributed trees, often found in damp boggy areas and along river banks. Like most broad-leaved trees, Alnus glutinosa flowers before the leaves are out with attractive long reddish catkins appearing as early as January. The female flowers produce small cones, and these can stay on the tree all winter. The timber has been used in building bridges & underwater foundations, for smoking foods, for joinery, turning and carving and it also makes good firewood. The common alder provides food and shelter to wildlife, with a number of insects, lichens and fungi being completely dependent on the tree. Also a very good soil-enhancing tree due to its nitrogen-fixing capabilities.Alnus glutinosa is fast growing, tolerant of very wet and very poor soils and very tolerant of wind - one of our most robust native trees.
Site: Tolerates most coastal sitesSoil: Prefers well-drained, tolerates very wet soilsPosition: Full sun, part shadeSeason of Interest: Spring catkinsHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 65+ft (20+m) Spread: 40ft (12m)
Bareroot | 1ft Cert€1.00
Bareroot | 1-2ft Cert€1.00
Bareroot | 2-3ft€1.00
Bareroot | 3-4ft€1.00
Bareroot | 4-5ft€1.00