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Carpinus betulus Rockhampton Red
from €10.00
Future Forests
Carpinus betulus Rockhampton Red
This Hornbeam is similar growth wise to common Carpinus betulus but with the addition of wonderful red Autumn colour, from late September to October, the leaves turn different shades of bright red and orange. These colors normally persist until mid November, then the leaves turn brown. Discovered in 1990 by an UK nursery, It has won first prize at one of the most important European horticultural shows and has been highly commended at others.
Site: Tolerates inland exposureSoil: Any well drained soil, will tolerate it very damp but not waterloggedPosition: Full sun, partial shadeSeason of Interest: Good red Autumn colourHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 80ft (25m) Spread: 65ft (20m)
Pot | 9cm€10.00
Pot | 10L€10.00
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