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Salix cinerea - Grey Willow

Future Forests
Grey Willow
A tough, mid sized vigorous willow native to Ireland and most of Europe, Salix cinerea is said to be one of the most resilient willows, growing from the dry beaches on the coast of Spain to some of the highest mountains in the Alps up to 2500m elevation. It is such a potent plant that there is a saying that goes "if you stand still for too long, you'll have Willows growing out of your ears" in reference to it seeding itself everywhere. Along with Salix caprea it has been referred to as 'pussy willow' because of its furry catkins. Grey willow thrives on neglected, disturbed ground and, like most willows is very important to wildlife and soil regeneration in general. Noted to be among the top nectar producers for bees and birds.Site: Tolerates exposed sitesSoil: Any Position: Full sunNotable uses: Hedging, wet ground, wildlife, firewood, coppice, firebreakHardiness: HardyHeight: Up to 30ft (10m) Spread: 30ft (10m) in approx 20 years
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