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Medlar Nottingham

Future Forests
Medlar Nottingham
Medlar Nottingham is a selected variety with larger leaves, flowers and fruits. Less thorny than the species.
Popular in classical and Elizabethan times, medlars are once again coming back into favour. Medlar Nottingham is a particularly good cultivar, not just for its fruit, which is particularly well-flavoured, if rather small, but for the habit of the tree, more upright than the other species. Highly ornamental tree with twisting branches and large, deep green leaves, colouring well in autumn; best grown as a standard or half -standard. Very attractive flowers like dog-roses appear in late May/June, and are followed by fruits like large, brown rosehips. These should be left on the tree until the first frosts and then set out on trays to ‘blet’ (soften); the flesh can then be eaten raw with cream or used for preserves.
Site: Any, but some shelter preferredSoil: Any reasonably well drainedPosition: Full sun preferred, but tolerates some shadePick: NovemberKeep: A couple of weeks after blettingHardiness: HardyPollination: Self-fertileUses: Eating and preservingLearn more about fruit tree rootstocks
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