Mirabelle Ruby®

from €24.00
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Future Forests
Mirabelle Ruby Mirabelles are very closely related to damsons, but the fruit is smaller, round and sweeter. Prunus insititia Mirabelle Ruby® is a vigorous small tree with a slender, very upright habit, ideal for the smaller garden. Well suited to the Irish climate, and tolerant of cold winters, it’s a regular bearer with with good disease resistance. In early spring it is covered with white blossom, which is followed in late summer by red fruit, very large for a mirabelle, with sweet, red flesh with an almost peach-like flavour. Although mirabelles are usually used for cooking, Mirabelle Ruby is sweet enough to be eaten fresh from the tree. It will crop better with a compatible pollination partner of a different variety. Plums, gages, damsons, cherry plums, mirabelles, bullaces will usually cross-pollinate if their flowering times overlap Site: ShelteredSoil: Any well drained soilPosition: Crops best in full sunPick: Late August–early SeptemberKeep: One weekHardiness: HardyPollination: Partially self-fertile; Pollination Group 1Uses: Cooking Learn more about fruit tree rootstocks
  • Bareroot 1yr / St Julien A
  • Pot | 5L / St Julien A

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