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Cultivate & Eat - Japanese Flavours

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Explore your flavour palate and improve your gardening skills with these Japanese Cultivate & Eat growing bags by Noted. Each bag - packed and tied in the traditional style of Japanese rice bags - boasts a different Japanese plant along with everything you need to grow it - potting mix, seeds and instructions.Once the plants are grown they can be transferred easily to a larger pot.Shiso - Also known as Japanese basil, Shiso can be used to wrap sushi or rice balls and an also be used in salads, pasta and rice dishes. Shiso is high in calcium and iron.Wasabina - Wasabina Mustard Greens have a wasabi-like flavour. Use in salads or stir fry. Wasabina is cold tolerant meaning it thrives in cooler seasons (perfect for our lovely Irish weather)Shungiku - has a grassy, tangy, herbal flavour and a slightly succulent texture. With edible petels, You can use them fresh or dried, sprinkled over soups and salads, and as a garnish. How does it come?Each plant comes in a stylish growing bag lined with plastic to ensure they're waterproof. 12 x 8 x 4cm
  • Wasabina -Mustard Greens
  • Shiso - Japanese Basil
  • Shungiku - Chrysanthemum Greens

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