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Kiwi - Actinidia deliciosa Solissimo - self fertile

from €6.00
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Future Forests
Kiwi - Actinidia deliciosa Solissimo A large, vigorous climber, Actinidia deliciosa ‘Solissimo’ needs to be trained over a sunny pergola or as an espalier against a south-facing wall. Can be grown outside only in the warmest areas, otherwise in a polytunnel or greenhouse big enough to accommodate it. Unlike other kiwis, ‘Solissimo’ is self-fertile; the egg-shaped, bristly, brown fruit (also known as a Chinese gooseberry) is slightly smaller and rounder than most, and very rich in Vitamin C. Reliable production of delicious, vitamin-rich fruit where conditions are right; kiwis need cold winters to produce flowers, but 240 frost-free days for the fruit to mature; late frosts are particularly damaging. Site: ShelteredSoil: Rich, very well-drained soilPosition: Full sunPick: Before the first frosts; allow to ripen indoorsKeep: Will keep for a few weeks in a cool, frost-free placeHardiness: Frost-hardyPollination: Self-fertileUses: Eating, juicingHeight: 20’ (6m) Spread: 13’ (4m) depending on training
  • Pot | 9cm
  • Pot | 2L

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