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Drift Games Drive December 12th - Driver Entry
from €150.00

Drift Games
Purchasing this driver entry ticket entitles the person(s) named as the driver(s) to a driver entry pass for the 2020 Drift Games Easter Shred Session, being held in Mondello Park on Saturday, December 12th and by completing your purchase for a driver entry pass, a place to drive at the event will be secured.
When purchasing this pass, you must provide the name of the driver(s) who will be driving at the event. If purchasing multiple passes (i.e. for you and friends) or if you are purchasing a double-driving pass, you must provide the names of all drivers taking part.
You CANNOT purchase multiple passes with the intention of selling them on. Doing so will result in your pass being cancelled without refund.
Lastly, you MUST ensure BOTH the driver and the car being driven abide by the below rules, which must be met in order to drive at this event. Failure to do so will result in the named driver not being allowed on track, with no chance of refund.COVID-19 Regulations:
No spectators are allowed at this event under any circumstances
Drivers will be allowed a +1 (if double driving, the second driver acts as the +1)
No family or friends additional to the +1 will be allowed enter Mondello Park
Sign-on and briefings will take place digitally before the event
Limited driver entries to minimise overall numbers on-site on December 12th
Drivers will be allocated a designated paddock area and must stay within this area where possible throughout the day
2-metre social distancing must be adhered to at all times
Drivers & +1 must bring their own food and drink as no food facilities will be open on-site during the day
A tyre van will be on-site but will work under a new queuing system. It is recommended to bring tyres on rims before you arrive.
Car Regulations:
All vehicles being used at this Drift Games event must have:
Tow straps/hooks front and rear;
Fixed back or recliner bucket seat;
Minimum 4-point harness;
No fluid leaks whatsoever;
Noise level NOT EXCEEDING 105db, and;
Full body panels on the car at the start of the weekend.
Any driver wishing to be in the Pro class must ensure their car also has a full roll-cage, with door bars, in addition to the above car regulations.
Driver Regulations:
All drivers who intend on driving at the event must:
Be 18 years of age or older with a full driving license, OR;
Be a currently licensed DGN, DGX, IDC, BDC, IDS, IADC or DriftCup driver
All drivers and passengers must wear a full-face helmet at all times when on track, with a fully functional clasp/strap.
Double Driving:
It is possible for 2 persons to drive the same car, but to do so you must select "Yes" on the "Double Driving" option and also put the name of both drivers in the Driver Name box.
The cost for double-driving is €50.00 and both drivers may only drive the car they have entered, not separate cars.
Note: Drift Games Drive/Shred Session driver entry passes cannot be refunded and as such, there is a no refund policy. By purchasing a pass for this event, you are agreeing to this policy.
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