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"Lords of the Flies" - By ADW
Damn Fine Print
Lords of Our FliesTwo colour screen print designed by Dublin street artist ADW.Dimensions 500 x 500 BIOArt has been central to ADW’s life ever since he started dabbling with paintbrushes while still at school. After five years studying animation in Dublin, he moved to Britain to work for computer games company. In 2008he moved back to Ireland and began creating street art full-time. A determined creative and social activist, the economic collapse provided the backdrop for much of his early work. Laced with satire and burnt by honesty,his pieces are often imbued with a dash of acerbic humour. ADW quickly gained notoriety as one of Ireland’s boldest street artists who has continually pushed the boundaries of stencil craft to new levels. A culture clash of somewhat surreal art, his work begs the public to question the status quo, especially relating to the social structures and political forces that we live under. ADW combines all that he knows from his street-art and digital design background to create works of art that depict his perspective of the world around him, his work is a comment on society, inviting the public to engage and react.
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