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Sergio Y. by Alexandre Vidal Porto, Alex Ladd (Translator)

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Armando, one of the most renowned therapists in São Paulo, is nearing the end of a long, illustrious career. Against his better judgment, he agrees to take on a new patient: Sergio, the teenage son of a wealthy Brazilian businessman. Sergio suffers from malaise and his parents are concerned. But after a number of sessions, Sergio abruptly interrupts his course of therapy following a trip to New York, saying only that he has found his own path to happiness and must pursue it alone. Though perplexed, Armando lets the matter rest without further ado. That is, until he learns from the boy’s mother that Sergio has moved to New York in order to become Sandra. “Porto’s captivating, impeccably structured novel is a detective story wrapped around a deeper exploration of identity.   — Publishers Weekly "One of Armando’s main aims as a narrator is to complicate the narrative of gender transition, to embrace a certain measure of existential mystery that ties it to other journeys of transformation...he accomplishes this with a sensitivity to nuance and a supple, philosophical expansiveness. — World Literature Today

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