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Science in the Soul: Selected Writings of a Passionate Rationalist, by Richard Dawkins

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The legendary biologist and bestselling author mounts a timely and passionate defence of science and clear thinking with this career-spanning collection of essays, including twenty pieces published  for the first time. For decades, Richard Dawkins has been a brilliant scientific communicator, consistently illuminating the wonders of nature and attacking faulty logic. Science in the Soul brings together forty-two essays, polemics, and paeans — all written with Dawkins’s characteristic erudition, remorseless wit, and unjaded awe of the natural world. "He is a ferocious polemicist, a defender of reason and enemy of superstition. He is also an extraordinarily talented explicator and celebrator of biology. He makes complex concepts, like kin selection, pop into focus in a way that imparts a jolt of pleasure.”— Scientific American. Compelling . . . rendered in gloriously spiky and opinionated prose . . . [Richard Dawkins is] one of the great science popularizers of the last half-century.”—The Christian Science Monitor

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