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Blueprints of the Afterlife, by Ryan Boudinot

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"Weird is the new normal." "The main character is not a person. It's a point in time, in a misty future. This point in time follows an apocalypse. Humans have scorched the planet and killed billions of their number. The people in Blueprints of the Afterlife are exhausted, stunned survivors stumbling around in a world still strangely recognizable and possibly steered by a guy named Kirkpatrick." - The Oregonian A post-apocalyptic novel. “Digital, where Brave New World is merely analogue, Blueprints of the Afterlife, makes both 1984 and the Book of Revelation seem like yesterday's news.”—Tom Robbins, author of Even Cowgirls Get the Blues. "This novel is a work of sheer originality, readability, and joy." - Booklist.  

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