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Lincoln and the Irish: The Untold Story of How the Irish Helped Abraham Lincoln Save the Union, by Niall O'Dowd.

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A fascinating piece of Civil War history: Lincoln’s relationship with the immigrants arriving in America to escape the Irish famine. “If you’re a Lincoln fan like me, you’ll love this book.” — Liam Neeson. The author gives an unprecedented insight into a relationship that began with mutual disdain. But that dynamic would evolve, and the Lincoln whose first political actions included intimidating Irish voters at the polls would eventually donate to the Irish famine fund. When he was voted into the White House, Lincoln surrounded himself with Irish staff, much to the chagrin of a senior aide who complained about the Hibernian cabal. And the Irish would repay Lincoln’s faith—their numbers and courage would help swing the Civil War in his favour, and among them would be some of his best generals and staunchest advocates.

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