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Break the Mould
This engaging book by the uber cool fashion and style icon Sinéad Burke is a positive and powerful book that celebrates the uniqueness of each and every person. She talks about the power of being different, and shows how important it is to celebrate the things you love about yourself - because these are the things that make you, YOU. And out of the 7.53 billion people in the world, you are the only YOU.
Written in a friendly and accessible way, this is a handbook for those smaller humans just beginning their transition between kid and teen. It is full of drawings and is designed so each section has positive ways of looking and thinking, examples of really cool people you should definitely know about, and steps to guide you to becoming an all round sound person, being the very best you can be.
Check out the rest of our kids books
Who wrote it?Sinéad Burke
How does it come?It's approx 25.5 x 26.5 cm approx and has a softback cover
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