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Tax disc holder (You're Looking Well Guard)

Are you ever stuck for words when a guard pulls you over?
This very useful tax disc holder not only does what it says and finely holds tax discs, it also has a list of helpful things to tell the Guard in case of emergencies. This often overlooked piece of equipment has cried out for a redesign perhaps since the dawn of motoring. Sceptics will point to the 'Keep Going Sure It's Grand' slogan and label this a callow branding of a standard Tax/Insurance/NCT disc holder but no, this device has so much more to offer. Not only is it lovingly crafted from 100% genuine pleather in a shade of patriotic Kelly Green but on the outside or 'Guard side', lies the complimentary phrase 'You're looking well guard'.
Check out the rest of the grandgrand collection for more hilarious gifts. We have lots of everyday useful things here at designist.
How does it come?
Made from Plastic. Backed with peel off adhesive so it sticks to your window. Coated in phosphorescent ink which glows when the Guard hits it with his torch as they study your particulars.
The tax disc is approx. 28 x 10 cm
Green Background
White Background