On the Scent

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 There have been many polls done to find what the best smell is; with vanilla, fresh cut grass and freshly ground coffee all tend to rank high. We build our memories around smells, they are fundamental in enhancing the flavour of the food we eat. But what happens when we lost our sense of smell? Over the past two years, many people have lost their sense of smell due to Covid 19, changing how many of us interact with the world around us in ways we never expected. In this book, Paola Totaro, who lost her own sense of smell due to the virus, and and Robert Wainwright explore how our sense of smell informs how we view the world, and looks at theories on the fifth sense from ancient philosophers to 21st century neuroscience. It explores some really cutting edge science that will bring anyone still suffering from sensory loss some hope. Check out the rest of our books here at designist. Who wrote it?Paola Totaro and Robert Wainwright How does it come?Paperback,  19.5 x 12.5 x 1.7 cm

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