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Acer buergerianum

Future Forests
Trident Maple
A tree for the small garden with brilliant autumn colour, Acer buergerianum is a small, bushy, deciduous tree, with attractive, red-brown flaking bark when the tree is mature. The leaves are tripartite, with the middle point longer than the others – hence the name trident maple. The leaves emerge bronze, becoming deep green with a grey underside in summer, and orange and red in autumn. Small yellow-green flowers are produced on the bare branches in early spring. Trident maple will not tolerate very acid or alkaline conditions.
Site: ShelteredSoil: Any moist but well-drained, neutral soilPosition: Full sun or partial shadeSeason of interest: Spring, summer, autumn; winter in mature treesHardiness: Very hardyHeight: 26-39’ (8-12m) Spread: 13-26’ (4-8m) in 10-20 years