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Pinus nigra subsp. laricio

Future Forests
Corsican Pine
A tree for the larger garden or a woodland planting, as long as they are in full sun; it makes a good shelter belt on the coast. Pinus nigra subs. laricio is a large, evergreen, tree with an open crown. The leaves are long, grey-green needles, and are borne in pairs. The cones are ovoid, and pale brown, and may remain on the tree for years. Corsican Pine is very drought-tolerant and hardy. Needs well drained soil.
Site: Tolerates exposure, including coastal exposureSoil: Any well-drained soilPosition: Full sunSeason of interest: All yearHardiness: Extremely hardyHeight: Higher than 40’ (12m) Spread: Wider than 20’ (8m) in 20-50 years
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