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Taiwania cryptomerioides

Future Forests
Chinese Coffin Tree
This tree reaches 164’/50m in the wild, with a buttressed base, but in cultivation is very much shorter. Taiwania cryptomerioides is a tall, evergreen tree with a columnar or conical habit and slender, drooping branches. The dark grey-brown bark peels off in strips. The awl- or sickle-shaped, sharply pointed, juvenile needles become scale-like as the tree ages. Mature trees produce cylindrical cones 12mm long. This tree is particularly good in an architectural or low-maintenance garden. Chinese coffin tree is an easy tree, needs no pruning, and is pest- and disease-free. The wood is soft but durable, and attractively scented, and was used in the past for temple-building and coffins – hence the name.
Site: ShelteredSoil: Moist but well-drained, acid to neutral soilPosition: Full sunSeason of interest: All yearHardiness: Very hardyHeight: Higher than 49’ (15m) Spread: Wider than 26’ (8m) in 20-50 years