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Year of Gratitude 2023 Page A Day Calendar

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Ohh By Gum
This calendar invites deep exploration of what it means to open yourself up to the gifts available to you, with daily inspirations, blessings, questions for reflection, affirmations (I greet each passing moment as precious), and thoughtful quotes. Plus Gratefulness Practices to help you nurture a positive outlook: Cultivating a sense of astonishment about your comforts—running water, a laptop, a refrigerator— helps keep you grateful. Remember, they are gifts. Printed on responsibly sourced paper and 100% recyclable. Author: Workman Calendars Publisher: Workman Publishing Format: Paperback Publication Date: 05/09/2022 ISBN: 9781523514533 B-Code: B064569 Pages: 320 Dimensions: 140x140mm

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