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Ruan Van Vliet - Doggo Bandana (Purple)

Hens Teeth
- Silhouette Cotton Sateen - 125gsm- Hand finished in Ireland
About Ruan Van Vliet
Illustrator Ruan Van Vliet's unmistakably whimsical work captures a sense of humour and intent that produces some stand-out pieces. He’s been commissioned by companies like KT and Vans, exhibited internationally and appears in the liner notes of countless records from the Irish underground scene. Ruan’s artwork is recognisable for its bright blobs of colour, smudgy expressive lines and absurdist worldview. The Dublin born illustrator works across print, commercial, editorial, publishing and self-initiated projects, includ- ing clothing, painting and animation. His first children’s book, Bartholomew & The Morning Monsters (w/ Sophie Berger, Cicada Books 2020) was Long-listed for the Klaus Flugge Prize 2021.
Instagram: @RuanVanVliet