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Apple Cox's Orange Pippen

Future Forests
Malus domestica Cox’s Orange Pippin
One of the most delicious apples, firm, aromatic and juicy, Malus domestica Cox’s Orange Pippin does need optimum conditions to crop well – ideal for very fertile soil in mild, maritime areas. The medium-sized fruit is greenish-yellow, characteristically flushed and streaked with red. The flesh is firm and juicy, and the taste aromatic with a peerless, complex flavour, and the seeds rattle inside the fruit. It’s a fairly good keeper if given cool but frost-free conditions. The rounded, slightly toothed leaves are deep green, and the blossom is pale orange-red. The tree has an upright but spreading habit, and is not the healthiest, nor is it a heavy cropper. But, oh, the taste!
Site: Sheltered, warm, sunny siteSoil: Fertile, well-drained, loamy soilPosition: Full sunPick: Late September to early OctoberKeep: October to DecemberHardiness: Fully hardyPollination: Pollination Group 3Uses: Eating
Learn more about fruit tree rootstocks
Please note, during the bareroot season, our apples are pre pruned before being dispatched by mail order.
Image: David Wright / Cox's Orange Pippin / CC BY-SA 2.0
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