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Protein Pancake Mix

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BiaSol’s Protein Pancake Mix uses some very super repurposed, zero waste grains, so you can create some very tasty and moreish pancakes infused with a delicious subtle malt flavour, with vanilla and cinnamon and are high in fibre and a great source of protein. This Irish Family company source grains from local Irish breweries, repurposing them so you can create some scrumdiddlyumptiously wholesome, upcycled foods. Packed full of Irish ingredients, We love their ethos and how they champion promotes sustainable eating.  IngredientsOats, brewers spent grains (barley, oats and rye), vanilla, whey protein, cinnamon and sodium bicarbonate. How does it come?290 gms of protein pancake mix, enough to make 20 pancakes in an attractive cardboard box. The outer box is recyclable and from FSC certified material. The inner bag is made from wood pulp and is 100% compostable.

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