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Flo Shopper Bike Bag Green
We love how convenient this bag is. With multiple straps and hooks, it's perfect for attaching to your bike, throwing over your shoulder and heading into the office, carrying around to do your shopping, or even for a weekend get away.
The bag has multiple compartments, meaning you won't have to go digging for anything you carry in it. An additional compartment on the front of the bag means easy access to your essentials.
Our favourite feature is the metal hooks on the back of the bag, making it easy to attach to your bike's luggage rack. It doesn't hurt that this bag is also stylish, with the combination of green and black giving it a sleek minimalist look.
Why not have a look at the rest of our multi-purpose bike accessories? Or check out our bags for every occasion
what's it made ofMade from coated, durable and water-repellent recycled cotton
how does it come?as is, 30 X 33 X 18cm