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Safety Razor - Black

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The Kind
This reusable razor is designed to be minimalist yet beautifully efficient. Its single stainless steel blade provides a luxurious shaving experience. The razor can be used all parts of the body (beard, legs, underarms, bikini line, etc.) and is unisex. Comes with 1 Blade Brass and zinc alloy handle.Dimensions: 12 cm x 4.4 cm Weight: 100g How to use To fit or change the blade: Unscrew the handle from the head by turning it counter-clockwise. Insert the blade between the two parts forming the head and screw it back together. To shave: preferably wait until after your shower, when the skin and hair have softened. Apply shaving cream, soap or oil. Shave with short strokes while holding the razor at a 30° angle. If you are new to the safety razor, we advise you to apply absolutely no pressure, using only the weight of the razor. You will learn as you go how much pressure you can apply to get the perfect shave. Care instructions Rinse the inside and outside of your razor thoroughly after each shave to remove all traces of soap and hair. It is recommended that you keep your razor disassembled between uses. Avoid leaving a dirty or wet blade inside your shaver as this will cause the blade to oxidise. A safety razor can last a very long time if it is well maintained.

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