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Six Months of Stationery - Gift Edition

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There’s few things as enjoyable as starting a new notebook, cracking open the spine and making the first mark on the page is a ritual filled with both hope and potential. Having your next one to hand just when you need it is definitely one of the small way you can feel on top of your life, and prepared for any new project that comes along. Wouldn't that feeling be the ideal gift?By purchasing our stationery subscription for a pal, you'll guarantee that they'll always have just what they need to hand. We’ll send them at least one notebook and a bonus stationery item once a month for six months. Some of these will be straightforward notebooks, but we’ll also include an address book, a yearly diary, and some more specialised notebooks designed to help manifest ideas and channel creativity. If you're interested in a longer subscription, or treating yourself to a subscription - check out the rest of the collection here. Check out our FAQ's on how our subscriptions work here.

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