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Carpinus betulus fastigiata

Future Forests
European Hornbeam Fastigiata
An elegant tree when young, Carpinus betulus Fastigiata is a deciduous tree, with a narrow habit when young, maturing to a rounded, oval crown, and good in a woodland setting. The ribbed, finely saw-toothed, ovate leaves are mid-green, turning yellow in autumn. The male catkins are large, 8cm long. This is a low-maintenance tree, needing minimal pruning, but can be subject to caterpillars and aphids, coral spot and powdery mildew. Best in a clay soil which holds water and nutrients.
Site: Tolerates exposureSoil: Any fertile, well-drained soil; best on a clay soil Position: Full sun or partial shadeSeason of interest: Early spring, autumnHardiness: Extremely hardyHeight: Higher than 40’ (12m) Spread: 8-13’ (2.5-4m) in 20-50 years
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