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Tree Bark Store
Variety: Bourbon, Catuai | Process: Washed | Altitude: 1800-1950 MASL | Harvest: July/August 2021 | Producer: Ten female small-scale farmers, Norcafe Cooperative | Region: Lonya Grande, Amazonas
Sweet and complex, with notes of toffee apple, marshmallow & florals.
This certified organic coffee stands out for its sweetness and depth of flavour, with delicious notes of toffee apple and mashmallow giving way to delicate florals like jasmine. The result is a complex and multilayered drinking experience. The beans were grown by ten women who are part of the La Perla project. They received a significant premium for this excellent coffee, plus training on topics like coffee production, identity and rights. We've given it a medium roast for espresso and moka pot preparations but it will also make a richer filter coffee.
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